History of Equirepsa
EQUIREPSA was created in 1985 within DESMET GROUP (multinational engineering company focused on the design and construction of plants for the treatment of edible oils and fats) for manufacturing of its process equipment for oil plants in Spain.
EQUIREPSA Foundation for the purchase and commercialization of process equipment and pressure vessels, manufactured in Spain with national and international destinations.

The design and supply of ejectors and vacuum systems with ejectors for application in edible oil plants is incorporated into the activity.
The design and supply of ejectors expands to other industrial sectors such as Engineering, Petroleum, Chemicals and Petrochemicals.

Incorporation of “Vacuum Pumps” and “Heat Exchangers” in the scope of supply of EQUIREPSA.
Start of design of tubular exchangers.

Creation of the “Thermal Processes” field of activity where some existing equipment (Plate and Multitube Heat Exchangers) and new ones (Graphite, Spiral Heat Exchangers and Static Mixers with jacket) are incorporated.
Obtaining Quality Certification according to UNE-EN ISO 9001.

Foundation of EQUIREPSA MEXICANA in order to expand the activity to the American market.
Change of shareholding: separation of EQUIREPSA from GRUPO DESMET to be part of the DS GROUP holding company.

Implementation of mechanical design capacity of pressure vessels within the company.
Development of integrated design of equipment and systems based on CAD 3D INVENTOR and ROUTING 3D is implemented within the company.