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Quality Policy

Equirepsa has implemented a Quality Management System with the main aim of achieving complete customer satisfaction. We understand that the quality service is a customer right, and as such, must be part of our staff work style at our organization. A management system which help us to be more competitive.

In order to achieve our purposes, we are grounded on the following principles:

  • Communicating, encouraging and integrating the Quality in the company culture, in such a way that it is turned into a distinguishing factor opposite our competitors.
  • Recognizing and meeting the needs and expectations of our internal and external customers and our suppliers, as well as the legal and regulatory requirements which may result in application of every instance.
  • Searching for a continuous improvement about the efficiency of our production and management processes which make us to be more competitive in quality-price ratio.
  • Involving the employees of the organization, with their contributions, in the attainment of steady improvement.

Based on these principles, the Management will promote the following plan of actions:

  • Assurance of a continuous improvement in the personnel vocational training through the training plans, seminars, workshops and any further complementary education which may arise..
  • Detection of risks and opportunities to establish the necessary improvements in our Management Quality System guaranteeing ongoing enhancement and greater adequacy and suitability of the market demands under increasingly competitive and constant evolving environment.
  • Maintenance a fluid communication and specialized technical assistance to our customers from the first contact.
  • Notification of the incidents to the customer that may occur in the provision of services, as far in advance as possible and thus minimize the impact that these could incur.
  • Design and supply of the equipment completely adapted to the customer needs.
  • Close monitoring of the manufacturing process for each project
  • Development of technical and quality documentation adapted to any kind of technical specification.

Equirepsa has the UNE – EN ISO 9001: 2015 Certification by the international certifier TÜV. This is the result of a rigorous and serious quality policy implemented since the beginning of our activity.


Equirepsa, S. A.
Colombia, 64
28016 Madrid, Spain
+34 91 345 54 44

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