1 Solids Eductor System with hopper and valves for desalination plant. Materials: Completely AISI316.
EQUIREPSA designs and supplies customized equipment including technical documentation: Datasheets, general arrangement drawing of equipment, welding dossier, materials certificates and user manual with instructions for installation and operation.
Suction flowrate: 250 kg/h NaOH (25%) or EDTA-N2.
Discharge pressure: 1,5 barg
Motive fluid: Water at 5 barg.
1 Solids Eductor System with hopper and valves. Equipment include flanges for connection to motive fluid and discharge.
With own technology, EQUIREPSA offers customized solutions for every case and customer, which includes: design, manufacture, supply of equipment and supervision of commissioning and start-up (under request) of our equipment.
Solids Eductor / 3D Detail of the equipment
Equirepsa, S. A.
Colombia, 64
28016 Madrid, Spain
+34 91 345 54 44
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