Venturi Mixing Eductor nº1: Equipment designed to make in-line a dilution of concentrated HCl in Demineralised Water, generating an acid diluted stream to be used in a Chemical Plant.
Materials: Carbon Steel with internal lining and nozzle in PTFE (Teflon).
Venturi Mixing Eductor nº2: Equipment designed to make in-line a dilution of concentrated NaOH in Demineralised Water, generating a basic diluted stream to be used in a Chemical Plant.
Materials: Completely in SS316L.
EQUIREPSA designs and supplies customized equipment including technical documentation: Datasheet, general arrangement drawing of equipment, materials certificates and user manual with instructions for installation and operation.
Venturi Mixing Eductor nº1: Suction of 0,186 m3/h of diluted HCl, using 0,903 m3/h of MP Demineralised Water as Motive Fluid.
Venturi Mixing Eductor nº2: Suction of 0,820 m3/h of diluted NaOH, using 3,189 m3/h of MP Demineralised Water as Motive Fluid.
2 Venturi Mixing Eductors. These equipment include flanges for connection to motive fluid, suction and discharge.
With in-house technology EQUIREPSA offers customized solutions for every case, which include: design, manufacture, supply, and start-up (under request) of our equipment.
Venturi Mixing Eductors
3D Detail of the Equipment
Equirepsa, S. A.
Colombia, 64
28016 Madrid, Spain
+34 91 345 54 44
Copyright © 2009-2025 Equirepsa